UCSF is renowned for taking on challenges. As it happens, they’re good at dishing them out, too.

UCSF is one of the world’s most renowned scientific institutions, run by some of the smartest, most left-brain people we’ve ever met. But there is another, just as compelling, side to UCSF—the part that’s focused on their passion for healing and caring, their boundless curiosity and wonder, their palpable empathy and their sense of hope.

The truth is, the real UCSF lies precisely where these two sides overlap.

Over the years, we’ve been privileged to explore this unique intersection in a variety of ways and across a host of stories—from cutting-edge cancer research and comprehensive pediatric care to advances in neurosurgery, and even in general market health-care.

While the messages—and creative approaches—have varied from year to year, one thing has remained consistent: Redefining possible. This simple but incredibly ambitious brand idea remains at the heart of everything they do and every story we tell.

Brand anthem

Coffee table book

Brand imagery

Patient TV

Short films


Digital advertising

Patient imagery


Internal communications