Your laptop is secure. Your network is secure. Heck, you practically have a moat around your servers. But once your data leaves your fortress, it’s on its own. And today, with business so dependent on instant messaging, tools like Slack and Jive and, of course, email—well, that’s a problem.

How do you keep information safe and free flowing? You invent an ingenious way to encrypt the data itself, making it invulnerable before it’s sent out into the world.

When Ionic was ready to go big time with the launch of their new solution, Novio was asked to update the design system they’d been working with since their garage days. We wanted their unique approach to shine through, but we also needed to convey how sophisticated and reliable their products truly are.

The centerpiece of the engagement was a completely revamped website, which focused on the human side of the company and upgraded their graphic lexicon to something more unique.

We also helped them focus and elevate their messaging, including giving them a new, more aspirational tagline: Make data safe everywhere.

With investors, media, and Silicon Valley watching, Ionic rose to the occasion. They received more press and attention in the week following their launch than they had gotten in the previous 12 months. Their future looks pretty secure now.



Icons and diagrams

